Hello Wild Mountain Blueberry k-cup (my favorite flavor ever!). How I love my mini Keurig. I keep it in my workroom at the shop and it helps stave off temptations of running to the delicious coffee shop next door. The flavor is just sweet enough that it is *almost* enough to make me not wish for a doughnut while I drink it.

Hello wicked winter. We had an unseasonably warm and snow-free winter until January, so we all knew this was coming. It's cozy. Hibernation weather. I tell myself I would get bored if I had to stay home by the fire, curled up in a down blanket with peppermint & licorice tea, Wuthering Heights and my embroidery hoop at hand, but who am I kidding? Besides, I don't even have a fireplace. I'd have to huddle around a few jar candles and the probability of that ending "not well" is high.

Hello getting back on track with walking to "work." That was an honest resolution, but see above re: snow. Living this far north in Michigan, you'd think I would have been on skies by now. This is strap-your-baby-to-your-back-and-hit-the-trails territory. Up here, kids are on skies by age two, no joke. A 31-year old with shaky knees? Not so much. My handsome husband's secret plan for us to go tubing last Valentine's day went terribly awry, and ended with sitting in a dealership drinking bad coffee while some mechanics safety-d the car enough for us to drive home. This year, if the snow keeps up, we will hopefully plan something outdoorsy besides running from the car to the house, heads down, futilely trying to dodge the snowflakes.
Linking up to Lisa Leonard here
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